Welcome. Original "regurgicasts" right here. You know what I'm sayin?
That's my pal Beau Roberts pictured. RIP. So what's in this clip. Beats me.
Kamala (no, not that one) and Carlo the movie reviewer pop in here
Seattle Public Schools shortfall remedy is close at hand.
You want a real debate? Right here, Buster.
Impressionist workshop could use a bit more work.Also, always carry a pighammer!
Wil Ferrell and Mr. Know It All conveniently assembled right here.
My, my, such mirth. Replete with taboo listener call in jokes.
The sinking duck story and Roy Otis calls a hooker ...and stuff.
Ed Grunter, Rob & Buck Schotts from NRA Radio at the end of 1st TO broadcast
So what's the deal with Blueberry Grunt?
What really happened at the Alamo. (we know, has nothing to do with May 5th)
Officer Groinman has a few things to say right here about Valentine's Day.
Robin Pot 'o Pie's daddy squares off with Otis. Ed Gruntner there with Rob
Whew! Santa seems to have worked up a powerful sweat here.
Benny the Rat pairs up somehow with a
From exploding cannonballs to the Clock of Jesus and on to Sandra Bullock.
Yakkin' it up with Miss USA.
What really happened at the Alamo?
Dream jobs. And of course interrupted by you know who.
Norm MacDonald explains to R&M how he works. Charming, sincere and...funny.
Viruses, Yeast infections and the Immaculate Hover Dump (blech) (Chip approved)
At the tone, Labor Day Weekend 2021. And Scrote pops up in this one
Now here's how to make a promo! Maybe.Say, Could that be Mike West with Mad Fab?
The Latrine Beast rears its ugly head.
Richard Peterson as Frankenstein says Halloween, but will the clip?
Little Lady Facts. Cake that Maybeline on, Betsy.
Otis winds up on KIRO news with Gregg Hersholt. Go figure
Officer Groinman, razor burn, teen queen weather girl & stuff
Is it Art Thiel or Eddie Haskell? Pesky, pesky.
And these 2 guys want to shave each other... Really?
Come on in kids. Listen to Robin scrap with RUMPOLOGIST Jackie Stallone.
Interrupting The Snottiest Neighbors to bring you Bam Bam in the Ham, 5 miles up
What's in Roy's pants? Yes, it's a boil, but on whose face?
Wendell J. Wellington sniffs out another Corn Eyed Brown Trout.
A big steaming pile of birthday happiness.
The horrifying story of the SHAGGY GREEN TIE...Richard Peterson at his finest.
These are some happy folks. Why? Because they VOTED... and here's why.
A snippet of the LAST SHOW. Finally!
Billy Gibbons says, if you promise not to play this bozo stuff, I'll shave. Ha.
Hanauer sez ... I don't have time to listen to this, I'm busy counting trophys.
A double decker delight. NRA radio, and Otis' transoceanic broadcast.
Avoid having your car stolen. Here's how.
READY TO DIE! And what song might you choose for your funeral?
Earthquake damage? Otis will examine your crack. Free offer.
Keith Jackson's Dream
Hey kids, win a carton of Camels. Plus. the World's First Transoceanic Broadcast
Another R&M collision on the Information Superhighway. Includes Groinman & stuff
Yes, its more of the incorrigible Art Thiel. Plus Roy Otis'
How in the hell did Jim Forman wind up here....is it snowing?
Peterson and his fiancee are all aglow after hearing about lesbians and dreams.
What is wrong with the picture? HINT: Maynard's in it. Click for some cheese.
A car crashes off the Spokane St. viaduct. Live reports. Terrifying.
Otis Time Travels to become, HITLER'S BARBER!
Tubaman, Richard Peterson, Know it All and Chip with their artistry unleashed.
What to these goobers have to do with anything? Listen and find out.
Take a spin on the Melody Ranch Quiz Wheel and see how you do.
Alarming STD news from the Center for Disease Control. It's on the rise (no pun)
The sweet little R&M parfait is sullied with the verboten S bomb. Who did it?
The breezy little Matinee with the candy snarfing Richard Peterson.
Griffey, A Rod and Peterson. Are they all schizo? plus, you get TAMMY ROTTMAN!
Sherrif Judd Rumpleman and his pet horsefly in Montana Lawman.
Chewy bite size bits of our 18th Anniversary show. Touching 18th Sonata included
Otis delivers a poignant commencement speech at North Seattle Community College
Radio lesson one. Some callers my be worthy of the Ass-ole song. Could be you.
Jeepers .....you mean I can win $.54 cents on this show ....golly.
What's this!?! Blow you......off the air! Why I never.
Teen stoners, Booty Calls and one lousy stinkin' girlfriend. Simpleton radio.
Honoring Terry McManus in the character of Officer Lee Groinman. R.I.P., Dude.
The story of the Pope and the motorcycle cop. Told flawlessly, of course.
A tribute to Robin's pop, Big Dave. Always ready with a dumb joke and big laugh.
You can't play this clip about Crow's colon for a high school class! Can you?
Otis,Dennis Miller, Speedy Alka Seltzer and a shamed Reverend all team up. Ouch!
Cecil Blakemore, the Man With A Million Hats, phones the switchboard.
Who's your money on in this 15 rounder? Robin or Mutt Haugen?
Can anything be more screwed up than this?? Nice way to run a contest.
From the velveteen cheeks of Barbara Streisand to Officer Lee Groinman. Stinky.
Melody Ranch Quiz Wheel Flashback. (B'day card from Robin pictured)
Queen Anne Corn Eyed Brown Trout warning. (R. Otis butt swinging clock pictured)
Roy Otis, pyromaniac? Could be.
Battle of the Bonds. Choose your favorite 007. Daniel Craig or Richard Peterson.
Roy Otis duels Mitch Hedberg..... and the victor is??
Ye Gods! Richard Peterson's giant head explodes AGAIN! What is it this time?
Roy Otis' Top Ten Tunes. Yes it includes Buckwheat Cakes
Identify the Melody Ranch Quiz Wheel Mystery song and feel good about yourself.
The Radio Bloodsucker exposed! Who can it be? Take a guess.We think you'll know.
Mad Fab goes shopping & Carlo's Superbowl 1/2 time review. Carlo loves Brittney?
It's not love...its lust. Leave the animals alone. Plus Jackie Mason contagion.
From Robin's teardrops to R. Otis' new gay police force policies ...
OH MY!! XXX rated. But if KING 5 can run it, so can we. J-Lo's butt is the topic
Biodyne itch cream's top salesman, R. Otis .....working his way to camp.
The 10 ugliest cars, IRS agent pick up lines and other nonessential things.
How well do you know AC/DC. Can you meld minds with the mighty predicto? Try it.
The Big One!?! Officer Groinman IS the big one. A 9.2 wearing police blue.
Too hot for ya? Stuff a bit of Xmas in July up your stocking with SANTA pictured
Assistant Roy Otis, spangled in stars, helps two patriots explain tis of thee.
These two clowns are not above stealing other stations contests. Even from 1959.
A big steaming pile of KXRX 96dot5. Warmth meets disorder meets conflict.
Good Catholic boy Roy Otis (pictured) offers this year's Grammy Rules
Knocked daffy in a rough head on resulted in her amazing Singing Psychic powers
Funeral arrangements for movie reviewer Carlo. Does he give a S#@T?
An insipid little quiz show called Meet Mr. Maynard. Ehhh, we do what we can.
Vintage Brock Huard on drag racing the family car & Holmgren's pants.
Penn Jillette tells you all about sex. Ain't gonna happen with a stupid woman
It's in your pipes Bremerton. April Fool's backfires on sophomoric deejays R&M.
The Hour of Magnificence includes a Malt Shop Juke Box twin spin. Otis pops up.
Gastrointestinal oopsies for the bride and other odd things on the radio. Odd.
He thinks he is a drum major. That's fine, but why dip your twins in turpentine?
Just a human had bob bob bobbing along in the Atlantic? Oh, lovely.
From Viewmasters to Pee Wee Herman's dirty little movie pop quiz.
Mr. Know It All just naturally warms hearts in this Valentine's Dating Game.
Meet the business end of Officer Groinman's Blue Cupid. Also V day hit #7.
Alan Iverson sound like anyone wearing green and blue? Also, Yay or Nay.
Eight parts of speech, Nad the Ballbarian, Tony Ventrella's nose & stuff
Every listener whiffed on this sports quiz. Are you good enough to get it right?
A Nyquil infused topsy turvey Dead or Alive along with Cecil Blakemore's toppers
The Miracle of Breast Milk. Full discussion. Quite lovely.
Robin's dream, brought to you by Merle Morton and Roy Otis' "Mincemeat Breeze".
Free ski trips, Bad Strip Clubs, a Mr. Chung movie review,& heckler Art Thiel.
Seattle Public library filmstrip #29,
The bowling shirt has been awarded. Now find out how relatives and Corvettes go.
3 parts. "Ridin' Shotgun", movie reviewer Carlo, and Officer Groinman. Vote now.
Breaking Jumbo Pencil news followed by Keith Jackson's horrifying nightmare!
A bizarre stew of Art Thiel, Pearl Harbor and the Wall of Ignorance. Pepto?
Broken bats, foul balls. More than you need to know from Art Thiel.
Are kids today little wieners? Here is your lecture. Also: What's a 4 dotter?
Infomercial goes south. And a long distance call from Turdburglar Island. Odd.
Otis'transmitter work, "blows us...off the air". Sounds just wrong, doesn't it.
An angry foul-mouthed Verdant (alien) follows this quite decent interview.
Crappy cars and the geniuses who drove them.
From Cobra Venom to the Wall of Ignorance, just another day at the stationhouse.
The unveiling of a Genius! Shocking.
From mammograms to the Melody Ranch Quiz Wheel...with stops in between. Very odd
A powderpuff punch to a glass jaw? Can Bonaduce take it? So many questions.
Making the beast with 2 backs in the backseat of a Buick. With yer wife? Really?
Seattle's toughest cop has a high octane colonic for gas thieves.
A fresh scrubbed little quiz show called Dead or Alive is tainted by one R. Otis
Sweet confusion.Robertino is in the spotlight. And then, "What is an Echo Can"?
M&M Peanut goes after Eminem in a brutal battle of the bands.
Taboo horticulture at Safeco field!?! Shocking!
A cheery little visit with Ma Crow ...mother of Gary (pictured).
Eggs, Eddie Vedder and porta potties? And they are all tied together...how?
What is the problem Robin has with Dick's? Or is it just Art Thiel?
Double Feature. Groinman takes on the Grateful Dead & "Otis of Mayberry" drama
With a hand over your heart, Hear "What America Means to Me" with R&M & R. Otis.
Jackpot Jubilee with morally corrupt group programmer Bill Tetestnut.
Guess it's 4:20 according to our "Who's on First" contestant.
Can you beat Robin to the surprise answer on "What's My Line"? probably.
Officer Groinman and Johnny Wong weigh in on R&M's Bottom Ten regurgitator songs
Roy Otis' horrifying torture at the hands of the evil R&M. Just awful.
BAMBOOZLED? Can R&M's arch-enemy, The Latrine Beast outfox them? Let's find out.
The O.J. trial. Judge Scrotalman sits in for Ito and grills Kato Kaelin!
A glimpse of our annual live show from Salty's with our old pal Tuba Man. RIP
One wonders, who's working for who when it comes to our movie reviewer, Carlo.
Mail Room Kyle always delivers....in a way. & Otis directs Barbara Walters.
"THE JUGS TRIAL." Dismembering jurisprudence. Judge, jury and verdict. Who wins?
An audio Sugar Egg with Robin & "Thomas the Crapping Clown"
This week in 1912. The Titanic. A riveting drama with an all star cast.
10 million dollar murder contract / jailhouse lovin' / a fragrant bouquet of R&M
Is the answer to this murder mystery Andrew Cunanan....or Richard Peterson???
This chock full clip includes the the unvarnished joy of movie reviewer, Carlo.
What the...? How did a R&M site turn into a Bob Rivers promotion?
Excuse me, I believe your pooch just ate your secret girlfriends panties.
Steve Slaton gets a spiff, but first...the pot pipe of Woody Harrelson.
Will you win Neill Diamond tickets? Could be. & fill in the blank, Butt _______?
Who's on 1st? Match wits with ordinary voodoo citizens. Rough game, best of luck
The power of breasts (those would be female), & Ugly Bug Ball problems
The tardiness of Art Thiel.
Studio usher Hugh Jardon opens the R&M trapdoor. Lotsa junk.
The strange odyssey, mixed in with other things, of the amazing 'fingerpeen'.
DEAD or ALIVE ....we now wonder, are the contestants dead or alive.
What is that in Jim Forman's pipe?
Bad Babysitters! Also, meet Mr. Maynard
A Triple Header including Tiny Tidy Toilet Bowl Tunes & the harmless Moron Quiz.
Dr. Hugh Jardon tests heartily the Hippocratic oath. The patient is Ms. Love.
Nature's Masterpiece. And our boy Jay is right in the middle.
The wonderful phony front. Hiding behind mascara. Who are you? Really.
Remember the Krispy Kreme scandal? Undercover agent Otis digs deep (kind of).
Teen Jesus, parts I & II. Pre Lamborghinis, DUIs, and total teen tools.
Jim Florentine on strip clubs. ....and skipping school.
Here's our pal Old Man Batton. Wishes he could eat...(pardon)..to puke.
The George Halas NFC championship trophy? No,but Otis(O-Dog) wins the TIA award.
Carlo is not happy about this assignment.
Craig Gass does Kinnison, Pacino. Good stories told well.
The Jackass industry at its finest,& a total disregard for one's own twins. Ow!
3 good ways NOT to do radio promos.
Oh My God!! Run!! It's a tornadle!!
Man 52. Woman, 19!! Oh yeah ...that's gonna work out just fine.
Let 'er rip, Ray Combs!! Can ya' just take control here?
Surprise!! YOU'RE FIRED!! Pt. 1. The lesson... DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!
Gays? Ducks? What's new. Been there, done that. All a part of Fired Pt. 2
The splintering Scrotalson/Peterson debate. Vote now. Vote often.
Crazy damn kids wig wagging thier rubber paralyzer around town!
Anthony Michael Hall, what about Molly's forbidden panties????
It's KPUP. The Hot Dog with the Cool Music. Now on the air: Scrote
Third row napalm ignites this movie review and it ain't on the screen. xxx rated
Pewie. Indelicate. Clothespin please.
A man with a million hats...but, aha! One is missing!! Which one?
A Battle of the Bands, tender hearts & sensibilis (Latin)
Should the Redskins change thier name? Groinman's nightstick says uh uh.
Throwing Rocks at Pigs, fixing toasters, baby mama, bluetooth it.
How this show is sanitized by our censor. R & M & the FCC = LOVE!
Holy Crap!! High bathroom drama. Emergency! Emergency!
Hair Chat with good friend Chuck the Smoker.. can't hear a thing on the phone!
Mr. Know It all Takes on the Duke. Also, Lolita's top ten & more
Ken Schram loses control during spelling bee.
Horrifying Tuba Man / Richard Peterson shootout. Just brutal.
It's raining frog eggs.
Can a human urinate beatles? R & M explore the question.
Angry Carlo reviews Harvey Porter (ie: Harry Potter)
Can Bill Nye chug a beer on the moon?
Mr. Know it All hits Dating Game pay dirt: Part 1.
Know it All pay dirt: Part 2
Otis explores the deep recesses of Courtney's whisker biscuit.